Break Program
Freed from the constraints of the material world, they have transcended egoic energy and shine with spirituality
and prosperity from within…
“You are here, not to become, but to unbecome …”

I am here, to Guide you, to YOU…
A Space for Self-Discovery, Exploration and Release…

True Blue YOU®
Dawna’s Angel Food Offerings
Premium Video
Online – No Distance Limits
**In person sessions are local and cash only at this time. Thank you
I Love Doing This…

I’m glad you’re here!
Many of our early environments provided trauma-based, confusing experiences, and our ‘everyday’ experiences can leave us feeling drained…
As your guide, together, we explore your energy. I completely trust pure light transmissions to help free yourself from oppressive and self-limiting mental prisons.
Peeling back layers takes courage. I know you’ve got this.
Love Dawna,
the Blue Kryst-al Ray
Yes emerging starseed, lightbringer, earth angel, truth-seeker, and just plain depleted beloved immortal, you’re at the right place.
You’ll receive tailored soul readings fulfilled in a space of safety and unconditional love.

Having always communed with the unseen, the calling of Soul Guide really chose me…
Blue Ray Dawna

I am here to Guide you, to YOU…
I’ve been reading energy my entire life, from photos, people, trees, and more...
The impetus for my creative content and readings, rises from noetic, claircognizant inspiration, non-local consciousness, intuition, and subtle energy messages. I trust this loving, consciousness light-stream to guide my daily life with beauty and purpose, and assist people to Be Self-aware as Spirit/God/Universe. I love doing this.
To Your Prosperity!
You are whole, perfect and well