Who knew?
Who knew that the levitating light being I saw as a child, would impress my spirit forever. That my talking to trees, plants, bugs, animals, and hearing what they were saying to me, would be considered shamanic activity. Or when I would meet people for the first time, I would see where their wound originated. That I would look at photos and get energetic deeploads. That I would be able to spontaneously send messages across states via text and the words would be EXACTLY what people needed to hear, to be okay, at that EXACT moment. And it goes on…and on. I mean really, who knew?
Did I ever think or conceive that I would be communicating with Pleiadian, Arcturian, Lyran and Angelic aspects of consciousness? Really. And let’s not forget about the airships I’ve seen as a teenager. I sure did and Yup, as Mom casually says one day, out of the blue, Dawna, I think you were abducted. Shut the front door. There I was, doing my best to come to grips with all of what I have been experiencing since I appeared as physicality. You know, was born. For myself, there’s only timeless emptiness and everything is happening, appearing and disappearing, in it.
Yet there I was, very ignorant of my Cosmic nature, and wondering why everyone didn’t appear to be experiencing what I was, so a tad freaked out, and Mom throws away my oars. Abducted?! I don’t even subscribe to abduction, for myself that is. I was looking for a safety net, and instead, felt pushed out to sea further. Hilarious!! It was so crazy for my Mom to say it so naturally, that we both paused, looked at one another without words, and then laughed hysterically.
She went on though, because in that moment, she was convinced, No, because I don’t know anybody who talks like you, no one around us talks the way you do, I think they gave you something, as she nods her head up and down, yup, they must have given you something. Oh I receive some-things, for sure. I have received so much data (deeploads) that at one point, the frequency of english words, you know, the dead-letter-language, the spell-casting language, sounded exactly like Chinese. I kid you not.
Of course I burst out laughing when it happened. You would have too. Well now, having embraced my Cosmic nature, I can see CLEARLY that my experiences are home wayshowers. These Angelic, Pleiadian, Arcturian and unconditionally loving aspects have always been with me. I never decided to become a Soul Guide; this calling most definitely chose me.
I never saw the words Soul Guide or Wholeness Guide on a sch(f)ool paper, an application or resumé. And that’s super okay because I don’t need papers to tell me about what I already realize intuitively. Some are more comfortable with worldly papers that say what they can do. And training for specific things can be cool, and fun. The funny thing to me is, how worldly papers are placed above Truth, the Absolute, God if you will. Some are really more comfortable with paper energy than with the Almighty, yet papers get their energy from, and were here after Truth. So, if someone has God-given gifts and expertise in the unseen realm, who writes their certificate or degree?
Well, I decided to step forward and out of the world, instead of waiting for world papers to permit me to share my gifts, helping others to Light. And if you can relate, there’s no need for us mystics to wait for the world to catch up to God energy to start sharing and helping others. No, my certificate for that, is mandated from the Absolute. I trust Truth with every fibre, empty cell, and DNA sequence of my being; it’s in my bones. Love is all there is, and it’s what I live as and for. I’ve already helped a few and gratefully, I am here to help more. Maybe even you reading this. You are here to shine.
Being this, is always here–everyday. Everyday there’s some information I’m receiving for someone, including myself. Unless someone comes to me for services, I leave the energy that shows itself to me, alone. If information shows up here pressingly, then I pay that info forward to who I’m directed to. My thing is, Spirit, what do you want me to say? When do you want me to say it? Who do you want me say it to? And I wait on Spirit.
World systems are steadily crumbling on this here Earth. With whistleblowers like myself, lies are being exposed and dismantled, being replaced with new structures, based on the fruits of Truth, or Spirit. Maybe Wholeness Guide is becoming mainstream vocabulary even as I write this. Who knew the thing that was so mysterious to me early on, was the Cosmic me, bringing me home to myself. I sure didn’t. Really though, who knew?