Love Letters

Hi Dawna! I have read the captions and I love what you’re about! I love your page and will purchase your book! You have a true gift. I’m proud of you.

–Kathy Jamison

Hi Dawna. I love the beautiful pictures you post as well as your inspirational quotes.

–Patti Bradley, Director of Early Child Care Education

I am anticipating the arrival of your book. When I come across your status I can feel the words coming from your heart. You inspire me to continue to love myself unconditionally in spite of …Thank you!

–Jacqueline Duncan



Freed from the constraints of the material world
they have transcended egoic energy
and shine with spirituality from within


My time with Dawna, she guided me to deep layers & levels of emotions within myself, while in an environment she made welcoming, relaxed and personal. The whole experience was heart-opening, insightful and healing. I look forward to my next session. 

–Beth, Dartmouth
My time with Dawna, she guided me to deep layers & levels of emotions within myself, while in an environment she made welcoming, relaxed and personal. The whole experience was heart-opening, insightful and healing. I look forward to my next session.  –Beth, Dartmouth

Clear & Stretch

She will help you do a clearing where your blockages have been! She will force you to ‘Get on your own team’! Let her stretch your mind, consciously and unconsciously into new heights so that you can soar into who you were truly meant to be.

–Bibi, Georgia
She will help you do a clearing where your blockages have been! She will force you to ‘Get on your own team’! Let her stretch your mind, consciously and unconsciously into new heights so that you can soar into who you were truly meant to be. –Bibi, Georgia

Changed Forever!

My life has been wondrously changed forever! Especially at this time, her gift to humanity helps us see the veils of illusions we took on. Dawna, through her spiritual gifts, has enlightened me to see the stories I had been programmed with over a lifetime! Through that I was able to gradually see my true nature, by taking away the negative implants I perceived as truth. The veils were dropped one by one and I now can see the beauty of god's creation of my soul.

–Martha, Dartmouth
My life has been wondrously changed forever! Especially at this time, her gift to humanity helps us see the veils of illusions we took on. Dawna, through her spiritual gifts, has enlightened me to see the stories I had been programmed with over a lifetime! Through that I was able to gradually see my true nature, by taking away the negative implants I perceived as truth. The veils were dropped one by one and I now can see the beauty of god's creation of my soul. –Martha, Dartmouth

Say Yes To Your Inner Calling!

Dawna is one who helps others to take a deep look within to find what their true "inner self" is aching or searching for...their true purpose, and has that person feel compassionate about every aspect their purpose is leading them to...One who helps someone say "yes" to their inner calling...naturally follow their listen, really listen to what their soul is destined to become...the ultimate result is living the life they deserve and truly love every minute of it!!!!!!!!"

Bernadette, New Bedford
Dawna is one who helps others to take a deep look within to find what their true "inner self" is aching or searching for...their true purpose, and has that person feel compassionate about every aspect their purpose is leading them to...One who helps someone say "yes" to their inner calling...naturally follow their listen, really listen to what their soul is destined to become...the ultimate result is living the life they deserve and truly love every minute of it!!!!!!!!" −Bernadette, New Bedford

You are whole, perfect and well