Invisible Roots
If you don’t believe we’re all connected, observe the trees we plant separately. Growing, their roots expand together, invading, cracking, lifting concrete, dwelling foundations, and intertwining, as if to restore themselves to their natural state; as if they are forever striving to attain their original, divine oneness.
Observing higher branches, we notice that across wires, cement walls, fences or other obstructions, trees exhibit a determined r-e-a-c-h, to form undeniable arches. Joined treetops as a bridge across the sky, their yearning knows no bounds.
If you don’t believe we’re all connected, observe skyfalls of rain upon the ocean. Enmeshing itself, a droplet becomes one with the sea. Both intertwined treetops and merged waters speak oneness. Nature has her own special way of reflecting our true nature back to us.
Our journeys may greet us with curious encounters, those who seem to be totally disconnected from the whole of love, yet this is impossible. All is the life. Individually expressed, yet one. Like it or not, witnessing another, we are seeing different aspects of ourselves, seeming pieces of the whole. Whether within or without, seeming ugliness is a picture from our own collective subconscious, mirrored back.
At the extreme, even abuse, which can birth a sincere longing or desperation for love is, in disguise, an invitation to reconnect deeper to our source of love within. All is connected, and more, all is working toward love. Sometimes, it just doesn’t look like it.
There are many reasons for who and what shows up in our lives, and a reason why no one being is an island. That reason is Love, the magno-electric undercurrent flowing through all things.
Truth demands awareness. It is our call, whether we are to be mirror-wise. That’s grace. Developing our awareness muscle, satisfies the longing for love, from within. To carry unforgiveness is to self-damage.
Where one refuses to change unacceptable behaviour, their sight momentarily obscured to interconnection, that is our cue to GO, releasing them in love, so that we ourselves avoid becoming lost. They too, have a higher power.