For Every Inner Child

little Dawna restored photo credit: Heidi LeComte

A Heartfelt Review…

“I finally received my copy of this book and I want to start by saying the illustrations are soooo cute. I loved how it led up to the child being scared of life and then finding themselves. Life is about who you are and loving yourself. I remember when I was small, I was afraid of the unknown. Didn’t venture out much. Stood in the house by mommy lol. If I had a book like this when I was small, I would have conquered the world…READ MORE

Dawna’s grandchild Lana

I am The way teaches little Conscious Creators we are directly connected to something much greater than ourselves. Just imagine being supported in this awareness as a child!

Dawna’s grandchild Kira

Inspired from the Inner Child essence within each of us, I create children’s books to champion the soul light of children everywhere.

Perfect for any setting, I am The way
champions the inner wonder and magic of all children

by Dawna Anne Cosme

Helping Little Conscious
Creators Discover their
Inner Guru

– Dawna

You are whole, perfect and well